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Quickie 2 Foldable Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair


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Quick Overview

The best selling Ultralight Wheelchair in the world for over 25 years

More features and options than any other folding wheelchair


The Quickie 2 from Sunrise Medical has more features and options than any other folding chair in today’s market. There are over 64,000 configurations to customize your chair to your individual needs. It’s versatility and well-established track record has made the Quickie 2 the premier choice of manual folding ultralight wheelchairs for over 25 years.

Picture shows chair with cushioned back and laterals.


Multi-adjustable caster forks allow for the most possible seat-to-floor height choices (from 13″ – 22″)

New swing in and swing out detachable footrests for easier transfer accomidation

Q-Fit Technology for the most quiet and stable armrest and side guard recievers

Quickie’s Tru-Fit Program provides one-time free parts offer to modify the size of the chair within five years of ownership

Armrest options allow optimal user support, positioning and transfer needs

Aluminum Frame

5.5″ to 20.5″ Lower Leg Length

Angle Adjustable Backrest (-15° to +3° )

0°, 2°, 4° Camber

1″ to 3.5″ Center of Gravity (COG) Adjustment

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